Our Mission is based on three Objectives:

1. Teaching

It is important for a people, a community to acquire knowledge about their conviction in order to give direction to life and to understand the meaning and purpose of it. And for us, it is about teaching the Gospel of Jesus-Christ according to the word of God (2 Timothy 3: 16,17) which says that “All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the Man of God may be fully capable, equipped for good work’’.  

2. Prayer

We believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer. Therefore, we organize different prayer services to allow our members to grow spiritually in the presence of God.  

3. Evangelization

Our mission is also to make known and proclaim the good word. We believe that everyone is the bearer of the Good News of Salvation in Christ. And finally, we believe that the Church as the family of God must be welcoming, open, warm in love, truth and justice.

Reason why, we think it is important to bring our contribution in the development, the emancipation of our community in terms of education, health, youth assistance, mental health problem and the occupational integration. To do this, we make available our Community Center for the development of All.



Maintain a spiritual revival through fervent prayers. Lead a generation that will take into possession the promises of God.